Sunday, June 27, 2010

My Name is Aizzah Nur

My Name is Aizzah.. Aizzah Nur..

Aizzah Nur. My Father got the name from Al Qur'an. Actually it's written in Arabic Fonts اعزّة نور and he adapted it into Bahasa Indonesia as Aizzah Nur. Nur is a part of my father's name, Nuridin.

I've searched through Google what that name's meaning exactly is. Then I'm surprised when finally I found..

The Noblest of Nur

at several meaning, Nur itself means Light. But in this case, it has two meanings. Nur as Light and Nur as my father.. :-)

These things below make me more surprised and speechless.. Through Oxford Dictionary Online I found..

adjective (nobler, noblest) 1 belonging to the aristocracy. 2 having fine personal qualities or high moral principles. 3 imposing; magnificent.

What a so wonderful do'a..
I'm so proud to be born and named as Aizzah Nur..
Thank you Bapak (the way I used to call my father) for such a meaningful and (of course) beautiful name..
I wish I could represent what you did really expect from that name.. from me..

Moreover.. I miss the way you call my name completely.. Aizzah Nur.. The Noblest of Light.. The Noblest of Nur.. The Noblest of you.. Insya Allah.. :-)

*I love you.. I miss you.. Want to hug and kiss you.. Promise I'll be kind..Rest in peace my beloved Bapak..Let Allah takes care you while I can't..Aamin

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Dilema fulltime house wife.. fulltime mother..

 Bismillah,   menjadi full ibu rumah tangga sebenernya sudah jadi cita-cita jadi jaman baheula selagi masih gadis.. Bahkan mimpi itu pernah ...